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Tennessee Amateur Radio Emergency Service (TNARES)

Welcome to the TNARES website!


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program is sponsored by The American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the Association for Amateur Radio. ARES is a component of the ARRL Field Organization, which divides the United States into 71 administrative sections, each of which is an organizational unit managed by a Section Manager (SM) who appoints other Section officials, such as the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). In Tennessee, the SM and SEC appoint  Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators (ASEC), one for each of the "Grand Divisions" of the State (West, Middle and East regions) and statewide ASEC's for special projects. The  ASECs in turn are assisted by District Emergency Coordinators (DECs) located in each of the three regions. There are eleven DECs in total. Local management of the ARES program is handled by Emergency Coordinators (ECs) at the County level where most emergency incidents and other events occur. There are ninety-five Counties in Tennessee. The ECs and DECs very often appoint assistants to help manage ARES. For more information, visit the ARRL website at http://www.arrl.org/


ARES volunteers are licensed amateur radio operators who are organized and highly trained to provide emergency communications during emergencies and public service events. "When all else fails" is a motto of ARES because in many instances, amateur radio communications are operational when other communications systems have failed or are over burdened.


To get involved, simply find the county you wish to serve in and get in contact with the emergency coordinator. Your county Emergency Coordinator will arrange to enroll you in a training program that will enable you to participate in helping to provide communications services in the event of an emergency situation.